Happy New Year to All! We are ringing in 2015 with our Clients in mind. Through countless discussions with Clients and prospects, it is clear that Foodservice Manufacturers have always had a difficult time gaining visibility into the true drivers and drags of their business. Therefore, our 2015 New Year’s Resolution is to help Manufacturers implement a Clear View of their business. Welcome to the Year of the Clear View!
Historically, many factors have limited a Foodservice Manufacturers ability to clearly analyze their businesses. Whether it was lack of location level Operator purchase detail, or the inability to tie indirect sales with direct sales, a clear view was simply impossible to attain. Only within the last few years has the ability to access location level claims from distributors been made possible. Previously, managing the sheer volume of claims prevented the utilization of all the rich detail within. The internal overload that their teams faced was too time consuming and therefore, Manufacturers were left with no better choice than to analyze their business based on direct sales only. How can one run a truly successful business without the entire picture? Sound frustrating?
Since day one, Tibersoft has worked to end this lack of clarity. Our mission is to help Manufacturers gain access to electronic claim data, extract the valuable details within those claims, and provide an easy way for corporate and field users to fully understand what is driving their business and/or holding it back from maximized success. This is not an easy mission. We have had to execute this a piece at a time.
One of the critical pieces is OpTRADE, our proprietary cooperative operator location aware database. It has allowed Manufacturers access to a mastered operator database that is constantly updated based on actual industry transactions. OpTRADE is the brain of our Tibersoft iQ system, which allows an accurate way for Manufacturers to manage member lists, location level aliases, and prevent double dipping. We took it even further with our latest software update, Tibersoft iQ v9, and now provide all users with easy-to-use business intelligence tools that allows for speed-of-thought visibility into both direct and indirect sales.
Through our BIG DATA consolidation approach, our ongoing goal is to provide Customer Intelligence and Trade Control to Foodservice Manufacturers. Over the next several months, we will be diving deeper into the Clear View idea and other relevant content. Keep updated on The Year of the Clear View by checking our blog regularly and joining our LinkedIn group: Foodservice Analytics.